Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Did Some Bodies Just Walk Off with All Our Stuff? or
Do "they" think We're Stupid??

When I started this blog it was because one of the things that I missed most about my Dad was our conversations. One of the warmest memories that I have was of him sitting on the front porch talking to me while I painted around him. It was the summer before he decided to move on and he was commenting on how he wished he could pick up a brush and help.

I remember how he would read something from the paper and voice his sheer anger about the state of whatever. It would end with a "It's a damn shame!" or "They must think we're stupid." I miss that.

I'll be 60 in about 2 weeks. I remember my youth. 60 year olds were the youth of the 60s. Bummers. Outraged at the outrageous. Poets poet ed... Writers wrote... Actors acted out, Painters through paint up on the walls and there was truly civil disobedience. And the world began to shift... A little.

Well, I can only speak for myself, but I took a rest. A long rest. I think I must have thought I was Rip Van Winkle. Anyway, by the time I REALLY woke up things were shifting back. Way back. And right now, I gotta say I'm feeling like it's gonna take more then I got to turn this around.

We have put Barack in the White House and he has gotta feel like the little boy with his finger in the dyke holding back the flood. This is some real serious STUFF. And me... I'm OUTRAGED! I'm OUTRAGED because what's going on right now, in this country is nothing short of OUTRAGEOUS. And as my father would say "It's a damn shame".! "DO THEY THINK WE'RE STUPID!!"

And outrageous times call for outrageous response. Some Bodies have literally walked off with all our stuff and the people didn't respond. Are you kidding me? Some Bodies literally stuck up our kids for there lunch money and only the comedians are speaking the truth about it. Are you kidding me? Some Bodies put their hands in our collective back pockets, while we were watching and literally took out money for our children's doctor's visits, school books and tore up our their library cards and nobody did anything that amounted to ANYTHING!!! Am I living in a dream? More like a Nightmare!!! I know that I gotta get up now and go to the pool. I have got to get my strength back because these are truly some outrageous times we are living in. And I know that this is going to require some outrageous response.

PS I really am going to the gym. Now, right now!! Excuse typos, et al. Will update later.

1 comment:

Gina said...

I passed your comments at Lara's tutorials and came by to see your blog. I whole heartedly agree, that someone has stolen not only our kids lunch money, but the rent, too! I read about what is happening in America and wonder if lots of it is not just sour Republicans trying to wait out the Administrations failure and say, SEE, told you so!!!